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Manual Guide to Install BBIRD Themes

BBIRD is a modern, feature-rich WordPress theme designed for portfolios and creative professionals. To help you get started quickly, this guide will walk you through the installation process, from uploading the theme to importing demo content for a seamless setup.

Step 1: Download BBIRD Theme from Themeforest

  1. Log in to your Themeforest account.
  2. Navigate to your Downloads section.
  3. Download the Installable WordPress file only (ZIP format).

Step 2: Install the BBIRD Theme

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes and click Add New.
  3. Click Upload Theme, then upload the BBIRD ZIP file you downloaded.
  4. Click Install Now, then Activate the theme once installation is complete.

Step 3: Install Required Plugins

BBIRD uses TGMPA (TGM Plugin Activation) to help you install necessary plugins.

  1. After activating the theme, you will see a notification to install required and recommended plugins.
  2. Click Begin Installing Plugins.
  3. Select all plugins, choose Install, and click Apply.
  4. Once installation is complete, return to the plugin installer to Activate them.

Required plugins may include:

  • One Click Demo Import (OCDI) for importing demo data.
  • Other plugins specified for BBIRD’s functionality (e.g., portfolio or gallery plugins).

Step 4: Import Demo Content (Optional)

If you want your site to look exactly like the demo preview:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Import Demo Data in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click the Import Demo Data button.
  3. Wait for the import process to complete. This may take a few minutes, depending on your server’s speed.

???? Tip: Ensure your hosting server meets these minimum requirements for a smooth import:

  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • Memory limit: 256M or more
  • Maximum execution time: 300 seconds

Step 5: Customize Your Theme

After importing the demo content, you can customize the theme to suit your needs:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Customize to access the WordPress Customizer.
  2. Edit your logo, colors, fonts, and other settings.
  3. Save your changes and preview your site.

Step 6: Add Your Content

Replace the demo content with your own:

  1. Navigate to Pages and edit the existing pages.
  2. Use the built-in page builder or Gutenberg blocks to customize layouts.
  3. Add your portfolio items, blog posts, and images.


  • Demo Import Issues: Ensure all required plugins are installed and active before importing demo data.
  • Theme Installation Fails: Check if your ZIP file is corrupted or if your WordPress file upload limit is too low. Increase it through your hosting settings if needed.
  • Missing Stylesheet Error: Make sure you uploaded the Installable WordPress file only and not the full Themeforest package.

Need Help?

For further assistance, you can:

  • Refer to the BBIRD documentation included in the Themeforest package.
  • Contact our support team via the support email or Themeforest’s support forum.

Enjoy using the BBIRD theme to showcase your portfolio in style! ????


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